The GSA Board is pleased to welcome Samantha Place to the Senior Tutor Group.
The GSA Board is pleased to welcome Samantha Place to the Senior Tutor Group.
The Board is please to welcome Christine Swanson and Kimberly Porritt to the Senior Tutor Group.
Mr Aidan Healey OBE
Honorary Life President and Founder of the General Services Association [GSA] formerly known as National Control and Restraint General Services Association [NCRGSA].
Membership Number 0001.
It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that the GSA shares the news of Aidan’s passing on 13th September 2021.
The General Services Association (GSA)
Aidan was one of the founders of prison service and health care service physical intervention training programmes and then went on to develop C&R General Services in 1988, this was in response to overwhelming requests from mainstream NHS facilities (Psychiatric and General medicine) for training in the management of violent behaviour.
Aidan and colleagues reviewed the various programmes taught at that time and founded what is today the GSA model of prevention and management of violence and aggression.
Since its initial formation, the scope of General Services has steadily increased across a wide range of organisations, both in the UK and overseas.
The aim of the association is to bring together GSA tutors from various professional groups and agencies to establish a national information and support network and to develop and disseminate best practice in relation to training in the Recognition Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression on a national and international level.
Having founded the GSA it is recognised as one of the largest membership bodies associated with training and practice and theory in the prevention and management of violence in the UK.
Our thoughts are with Aidan’s family at this time
Rest in peace Aidan