About Us
The General Services Association is a membership organisation for people who are trained as tutors in the prevention and management of violence and aggression.
To become a tutor and join the GSA click on the link below.
Welcome to the General Services Association

RRN/BILD - Memora...
POSTED: 01/03/2024
Click below for more information Infographic Things you need to know about Certification Evidence required for Cer...
GSA 2023 - RRN/BI...
POSTED: 10/08/2023
Congratulations to Nicky Varker [Lead] and GSA Tutors Crystal Colebrook, Kym Shorthouse, Nina Thirtle and Dave Dodd o...
Upcoming Events
GSA Bespoke Tutor...
Please contact Mary- Anne.Caldbeck@elysiumhealthcare.co.uk for a booking form. Please note that registering on this website does not mean a place has been booked. This course will look to cove...
Breakaway train a...
For more information please contact the following number 07939 051713.